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Every pk knows the feeling we all deny it but it's there. We have all tried so hard to make people think we're perfect but wen do not we don't need to be. We don't owe anyone perfection. We can't be perfect. We do reflect our parents but they aren't perfect so why should we be? My parents taught a parenting class for a couple years which just added to the pressure to be perfect. Some family friends have told me multiple times "Be yourself not your father's daughter," but that's been hard for me, really, really, hard. Yet showing people my mistakes has helped me. I am part of small group at the church where we just talk about our mistakes which has helped a lot and I would definantely recommend that to every pk, your small group will need to be filled with people you trust and that trust you. But, if you don't trust anyone at your church then join one that has people that trust you.

A friend named Nate (he helps at our pk retreat) was speaking once and said "the expectation of perfection is the same as the feeling of needing to fit in." That really strikes me oddly I never felt the need to fit in so the realization of the fact that I have felt the need to fit in, that's so life changing. Nate had an amazing service that morning. Some of his points were

1)We don't have to be perfect
2) We need to be an example pk or not
1 Timothy 4:12
3) You don't have to be perfect

Perfection is something we've all pursued admit it or not. Yet none of us have gotten it. It's a commonality with all pks we need to remember we don't owe perfection to anyone. We are our own people, not a mini version of our parents, but unique individuals.

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