Are you a...



     What are our most common fears as pks or just people in general? Rejection? Hatred? Moving? Unknown? You aren't alone.
     Rejection: We're all scared. Simple right? No we're scared that at our new church, our new school, maybe just coming back to school, that our closest friends will find someone better. Someone nicer, prettier, has better clothes, more money, or just seems cooler. If someone rejects you for any of these reasons they weren't worth your time and rejection may just be a blessing in disguise. This rejection may lead you to better friends that won't flake out on you. But rejection is going to be painful of course! It's rejection for goodness sake... It's a painful but worth while process.
     Hatred: Two way street here. We're scared to have someone hate us of course we want everyone to love us. We're people pleasers we NEED to break that. We love Jesus therefore people should hate us. If people don't hate you because of your faith then you're being passive, way too passive. Which means you need to repent and start taking a stand for what you believe. The other side of the street; hating others. What if someone slips and tells you something that makes you lose respect for someone or makes you hate them? Maybe they did something simple like lie about being sick in order to skip their turn in the baby room, or something stupid like went off about your pastor parent. Whatever the reason you probably feel hatred towards them. Which needs to end now. You need to repent to God and ask the person you ended up hating for forgiveness. Yes the person-to-person thing will be very scary but it needs to be done.
     Moving: I'm sure we cann all relate to this. The scariest thing probably as a pk is seeing those invitation to move somewhere else. You know that I'm finally settling in here getting used to these neighbors feeling? Well once you get it, it's like BAM!!! New invite to a church to be considered. Scary, very scary. Moving, moving, moving, moving, that word just scares you huh? Us too... Yet, really it's just the fear of the unknown.
     Unknown: We're scared of just about everything that we don't know. New towns, new schools, new houses, new friends. Anything unfamilliar scares us. Repent... The fear of the unknown is a major stronghold in lives, you need to break free from it in yours in order to live your life as best as possible.
     In general when we get scared we put on those masks. Those masks that kill us inside. A smile that looks so real it fools us sometimes.

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